“Panoramic view of a house”

a far house in a landscape

“Panoramic view of a house” – San Basilio de Palenque, Col. 1977 – Richard Cross

Richard Cross Collection, Tom & Ethel Bradley Center, University Library, California State University, Northridge

First, we identify what we see on the photograph as possible evidence for claims:

  • Trees
  • Trails
  • Dry grass and dirt
  • A rolling hill in the background
  • A lone house made of mud with a thatched roof
  • A man standing on the right middle of the image with a donkey

Second, we can make some claims based on the things we have observed.

  • The trees, trails, grass, dirt, the rolling hill and the location of the house inform us of the remoteness of both the house and the community of San Basilio de Palenque and its inhabitants.
  • The patchy and dry grass, light colored soil, and lack of vegetation indicate wind erosion from increased deforestation, poor soil fertility as a result of increased farming and a lack of crop rotation, and a large portion of land taken from forest and brush to devote to other uses.